Monday, March 11, 2013


Two Months ago I spent only a few minutes with Carson in the studio! He had just turned 1 month old and was calm as can be! So tiny and such a cutie! Here are a few photos from our mini shoot! 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

JC's Hair Design & Back to it!

Hi everyone! This is my first blog post for the 2013 year! I have been taking a little break from all things photography since my little girl Abigail arrived back in December! Abby is turning 3 months old this Thursday and I can not believe where the time has gone! I have had a great break with her and think it is time I start slowly getting back into the swing of things! I will start by posting a few blogs in the next couple of months which will include old jobs, new jobs that I booked back in 2012 and of course a blog or two of my little girl! You can also expect some new things from me this Spring! New website, logo, blog and a few other things! I am looking forward to seeing some new and old faces in the 2013 year!! To kick things off here is a post from back in October! I had the opportunity to hang out with the girls from JC's Hair Design on Woodlawn Rd in Guelph! It was a different experience for me but I really enjoyed it :)